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Correlation analysis.


  method = "pearson",
  p.adjust = "none", = TRUE,
  digits = 2,
  file = NULL,
  plot = TRUE,
  plot.r.size = 4,
  plot.colors = NULL,
  plot.file = NULL,
  plot.width = 8,
  plot.height = 6,
  plot.dpi = 500



Data frame.


"pearson" (default), "spearman", or "kendall".


Adjustment of p values for multiple tests: "none", "fdr", "holm", "bonferroni", ... For details, see stats::p.adjust().

TRUE (default) or FALSE. Transform all variables into numeric (continuous).


Number of decimal places of output. Defaults to 2.


File name of MS Word (.doc).


TRUE (default) or FALSE. Plot the correlation matrix.


Font size of correlation text label. Defaults to 4.


Plot colors (character vector). Defaults to "RdBu" of the Color Brewer Palette.


NULL (default, plot in RStudio) or a file name ("xxx.png").


Width (in "inch") of the saved plot. Defaults to 8.


Height (in "inch") of the saved plot. Defaults to 6.


DPI (dots per inch) of the saved plot. Defaults to 500.


Invisibly return a list with (1) correlation results from psych::corr.test() and (2) a ggplot2 object if plot=TRUE.


#> Pearson's r and 95% confidence intervals:
#> ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>                    r       [95% CI]     p       N
#> ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Ozone-Solar.R   0.35 [ 0.17,  0.50] <.001 *** 111
#> Ozone-Wind     -0.60 [-0.71, -0.47] <.001 *** 116
#> Ozone-Temp      0.70 [ 0.59,  0.78] <.001 *** 116
#> Ozone-Month     0.16 [-0.02,  0.34]  .078 .   116
#> Ozone-Day      -0.01 [-0.20,  0.17]  .888     116
#> Solar.R-Wind   -0.06 [-0.22,  0.11]  .496     146
#> Solar.R-Temp    0.28 [ 0.12,  0.42] <.001 *** 146
#> Solar.R-Month  -0.08 [-0.23,  0.09]  .366     146
#> Solar.R-Day    -0.15 [-0.31,  0.01]  .070 .   146
#> Wind-Temp      -0.46 [-0.57, -0.32] <.001 *** 153
#> Wind-Month     -0.18 [-0.33, -0.02]  .027 *   153
#> Wind-Day        0.03 [-0.13,  0.19]  .739     153
#> Temp-Month      0.42 [ 0.28,  0.54] <.001 *** 153
#> Temp-Day       -0.13 [-0.28,  0.03]  .108     153
#> Month-Day      -0.01 [-0.17,  0.15]  .922     153
#> ─────────────────────────────────────────────────

#> Correlation matrix is displayed in the RStudio `Plots` Pane.
Corr(airquality, p.adjust="bonferroni",
     plot.colors=c("#b2182b", "white", "#2166ac"))
#> Pearson's r and 95% confidence intervals:
#> p values and 95% CIs are adjusted using the "bonferroni" method.
#> ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>                    r       [95% CI]     p       N
#> ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Ozone-Solar.R   0.35 [ 0.08,  0.57]  .003 **  111
#> Ozone-Wind     -0.60 [-0.75, -0.40] <.001 *** 116
#> Ozone-Temp      0.70 [ 0.53,  0.81] <.001 *** 116
#> Ozone-Month     0.16 [-0.11,  0.42] 1.000     116
#> Ozone-Day      -0.01 [-0.28,  0.26] 1.000     116
#> Solar.R-Wind   -0.06 [-0.29,  0.19] 1.000     146
#> Solar.R-Temp    0.28 [ 0.04,  0.48]  .011 *   146
#> Solar.R-Month  -0.08 [-0.31,  0.17] 1.000     146
#> Solar.R-Day    -0.15 [-0.38,  0.09] 1.000     146
#> Wind-Temp      -0.46 [-0.63, -0.25] <.001 *** 153
#> Wind-Month     -0.18 [-0.40,  0.06]  .412     153
#> Wind-Day        0.03 [-0.21,  0.26] 1.000     153
#> Temp-Month      0.42 [ 0.21,  0.60] <.001 *** 153
#> Temp-Day       -0.13 [-0.35,  0.11] 1.000     153
#> Month-Day      -0.01 [-0.24,  0.23] 1.000     153
#> ─────────────────────────────────────────────────

#> Correlation matrix is displayed in the RStudio `Plots` Pane.
#> p values ABOVE the diagonal are adjusted using the "bonferroni" method.

d =
added(d, {
  gender = as.factor(gender)
  education = as.factor(education)
  E = .mean("E", 1:5, rev=c(1,2), range=1:6)
  A = .mean("A", 1:5, rev=1, range=1:6)
  C = .mean("C", 1:5, rev=c(4,5), range=1:6)
  N = .mean("N", 1:5, range=1:6)
  O = .mean("O", 1:5, rev=c(2,5), range=1:6)
Corr(d[, .(age, gender, education, E, A, C, N, O)])
#> NOTE: `gender`, `education` transformed to numeric.
#> Pearson's r and 95% confidence intervals:
#> ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>                       r       [95% CI]     p        N
#> ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> age-gender         0.05 [ 0.01,  0.08]  .012 *   2800
#> age-education      0.24 [ 0.21,  0.28] <.001 *** 2577
#> age-E              0.06 [ 0.03,  0.10] <.001 *** 2800
#> age-A              0.19 [ 0.15,  0.22] <.001 *** 2800
#> age-C              0.12 [ 0.08,  0.15] <.001 *** 2800
#> age-N             -0.12 [-0.15, -0.08] <.001 *** 2800
#> age-O              0.08 [ 0.04,  0.12] <.001 *** 2800
#> gender-education   0.01 [-0.03,  0.05]  .695     2577
#> gender-E           0.11 [ 0.07,  0.14] <.001 *** 2800
#> gender-A           0.21 [ 0.17,  0.24] <.001 *** 2800
#> gender-C           0.09 [ 0.06,  0.13] <.001 *** 2800
#> gender-N           0.12 [ 0.09,  0.16] <.001 *** 2800
#> gender-O          -0.06 [-0.10, -0.02]  .002 **  2800
#> education-E        0.01 [-0.03,  0.05]  .697     2577
#> education-A        0.05 [ 0.01,  0.08]  .021 *   2577
#> education-C        0.02 [-0.02,  0.06]  .305     2577
#> education-N       -0.05 [-0.09, -0.01]  .012 *   2577
#> education-O        0.11 [ 0.07,  0.14] <.001 *** 2577
#> E-A                0.46 [ 0.43,  0.49] <.001 *** 2800
#> E-C                0.26 [ 0.23,  0.30] <.001 *** 2800
#> E-N               -0.22 [-0.26, -0.18] <.001 *** 2800
#> E-O                0.21 [ 0.18,  0.25] <.001 *** 2800
#> A-C                0.26 [ 0.22,  0.29] <.001 *** 2800
#> A-N               -0.19 [-0.22, -0.15] <.001 *** 2800
#> A-O                0.15 [ 0.11,  0.18] <.001 *** 2800
#> C-N               -0.23 [-0.27, -0.20] <.001 *** 2800
#> C-O                0.20 [ 0.16,  0.23] <.001 *** 2800
#> N-O               -0.09 [-0.12, -0.05] <.001 *** 2800
#> ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────

#> Correlation matrix is displayed in the RStudio `Plots` Pane.