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Easily compute multivariate sum, mean, and other scores. Reverse scoring can also be easily implemented without saving extra variables. Alpha function uses a similar method to deal with reverse scoring.

Three ways to specify variables:

  1. var + items: common and unique parts of variable names (suggested).

  2. vars: a character vector of variable names (suggested).

  3. varrange: starting and stopping positions of variables (NOT suggested).


COUNT(data, var = NULL, items = NULL, vars = NULL, varrange = NULL, value = NA)

MODE(data, var = NULL, items = NULL, vars = NULL, varrange = NULL)

  var = NULL,
  items = NULL,
  vars = NULL,
  varrange = NULL,
  rev = NULL,
  range = likert,
  likert = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE

  var = NULL,
  items = NULL,
  vars = NULL,
  varrange = NULL,
  rev = NULL,
  range = likert,
  likert = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE

  var = NULL,
  items = NULL,
  vars = NULL,
  varrange = NULL,
  rev = NULL,
  range = likert,
  likert = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE

  var = NULL,
  items = NULL,
  vars = NULL,
  varrange = NULL,
  rev = NULL,
  range = likert,
  likert = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE

  var = NULL,
  items = NULL,
  vars = NULL,
  varrange = NULL,
  rev = NULL,
  range = likert,
  likert = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE

  var = NULL,
  items = NULL,
  vars = NULL,
  varrange = NULL,
  values = 0:9



Data frame.


[Option 1] Common part across variables: e.g., "RSES", "XX.{i}.pre" (if var string has any placeholder in braces {...}, then items will be pasted into the braces, see examples)


[Option 1] Unique part across variables: e.g., 1:10, c("a", "b", "c")


[Option 2] Character vector specifying variables: e.g., c("X1", "X2", "X3", "X4", "X5")


[Option 3] Character string specifying positions ("start:stop") of variables: e.g., "A1:E5"


[Only for COUNT] The value to be counted.


[Optional] Variables that need to be reversed. It can be (1) a character vector specifying the reverse-scoring variables (recommended), or (2) a numeric vector specifying the item number of reverse-scoring variables (not recommended).

range, likert

[Optional] Range of likert scale: e.g., 1:5, c(1, 5). If not provided, it will be automatically estimated from the given data (BUT you should use this carefully).


Ignore missing values. Defaults to TRUE.


[Only for CONSEC] Values to be counted as consecutive identical values. Defaults to all numbers (0:9).


A vector of computed values.


  • COUNT(): Count a certain value across variables.

  • MODE(): Compute mode across variables.

  • SUM(): Compute sum across variables.

  • .sum(): Tidy version of SUM, only can be used in add()/added()

  • MEAN(): Compute mean across variables.

  • .mean(): Tidy version of MEAN, only can be used in add()/added()

  • STD(): Compute standard deviation across variables.

  • CONSEC(): Compute consecutive identical digits across variables (especially useful in detecting careless responding).


d = data.table(
  x1 = 1:5,
  x4 = c(2,2,5,4,5),
  x3 = c(3,2,NA,NA,5),
  x2 = c(4,4,NA,2,5),
  x5 = c(5,4,1,4,5)
#>       x1    x4    x3    x2    x5
#>    <int> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1:     1     2     3     4     5
#> 2:     2     2     2     4     4
#> 3:     3     5    NA    NA     1
#> 4:     4     4    NA     2     4
#> 5:     5     5     5     5     5
## I deliberately set this order to show you
## the difference between "vars" and "varrange".

## ====== Usage 1: data.table `:=` ====== ##
d[, `:=`(
  na = COUNT(d, "x", 1:5, value=NA),
  n.2 = COUNT(d, "x", 1:5, value=2),
  sum = SUM(d, "x", 1:5),
  m1 = MEAN(d, "x", 1:5),
  m2 = MEAN(d, vars=c("x1", "x4")),
  m3 = MEAN(d, varrange="x1:x2", rev="x2", range=1:5),
  cons1 = CONSEC(d, "x", 1:5),
  cons2 = CONSEC(d, varrange="x1:x5")
#>       x1    x4    x3    x2    x5    na   n.2   sum    m1    m2    m3 cons1
#>    <int> <num> <num> <num> <num> <int> <int> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1:     1     2     3     4     5     0     1    15   3.0   1.5     2     0
#> 2:     2     2     2     4     4     0     3    14   2.8   2.0     2     2
#> 3:     3     5    NA    NA     1     2     0     9   3.0   4.0     4     0
#> 4:     4     4    NA     2     4     1     1    14   3.5   4.0     4     2
#> 5:     5     5     5     5     5     0     0    25   5.0   5.0     4     5
#>    cons2
#>    <num>
#> 1:     0
#> 2:     3
#> 3:     0
#> 4:     2
#> 5:     5
#>       x1    x4    x3    x2    x5    na   n.2   sum    m1    m2    m3 cons1
#>    <int> <num> <num> <num> <num> <int> <int> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1:     1     2     3     4     5     0     1    15   3.0   1.5     2     0
#> 2:     2     2     2     4     4     0     3    14   2.8   2.0     2     2
#> 3:     3     5    NA    NA     1     2     0     9   3.0   4.0     4     0
#> 4:     4     4    NA     2     4     1     1    14   3.5   4.0     4     2
#> 5:     5     5     5     5     5     0     0    25   5.0   5.0     4     5
#>    cons2
#>    <num>
#> 1:     0
#> 2:     3
#> 3:     0
#> 4:     2
#> 5:     5

## ====== Usage 2: `add()` & `added()` ====== ##
data =
added(data, {
  gender = as.factor(gender)
  education = as.factor(education)
  E = .mean("E", 1:5, rev=c(1,2), range=1:6)
  A = .mean("A", 1:5, rev=1, range=1:6)
  C = .mean("C", 1:5, rev=c(4,5), range=1:6)
  N = .mean("N", 1:5, range=1:6)
  O = .mean("O", 1:5, rev=c(2,5), range=1:6)
}, drop=TRUE)
#>       gender education     E     A     C     N     O
#>       <fctr>    <fctr> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#>    1:      1      <NA>   3.8   4.0   2.8  2.80   3.0
#>    2:      2      <NA>   5.0   4.2   4.0  3.80   4.0
#>    3:      2      <NA>   4.2   3.8   4.0  3.60   4.8
#>    4:      2      <NA>   3.6   4.6   3.0  2.80   3.2
#>    5:      1      <NA>   4.8   4.0   4.4  3.20   3.6
#>   ---                                               
#> 2796:      1         3   5.0   2.2   6.0  1.00   6.0
#> 2797:      1         4   4.2   4.2   3.2  2.75   4.8
#> 2798:      2         4   5.0   4.0   5.4  2.80   5.0
#> 2799:      1         4   4.6   2.8   4.2  4.20   5.2
#> 2800:      2         4   2.6   3.0   4.2  1.40   4.6

## ====== New Feature for `var` & `items` ====== ##
d = data.table(
  XX.1.pre = 1:5,
  XX.2.pre = 6:10,
  XX.3.pre = 11:15
add(d, { XX.mean = .mean("XX.{i}.pre", 1:3) })
#>    XX.1.pre XX.2.pre XX.3.pre XX.mean
#>       <int>    <int>    <int>   <num>
#> 1:        1        6       11       6
#> 2:        2        7       12       7
#> 3:        3        8       13       8
#> 4:        4        9       14       9
#> 5:        5       10       15      10
add(d, { XX.mean = .mean("XX.{items}.pre", 1:3) })  # the same
#>    XX.1.pre XX.2.pre XX.3.pre XX.mean
#>       <int>    <int>    <int>   <num>
#> 1:        1        6       11       6
#> 2:        2        7       12       7
#> 3:        3        8       13       8
#> 4:        4        9       14       9
#> 5:        5       10       15      10
add(d, { XX.mean = .mean("XX.{#$%^&}.pre", 1:3) })  # the same
#>    XX.1.pre XX.2.pre XX.3.pre XX.mean
#>       <int>    <int>    <int>   <num>
#> 1:        1        6       11       6
#> 2:        2        7       12       7
#> 3:        3        8       13       8
#> 4:        4        9       14       9
#> 5:        5       10       15      10