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Train static word embeddings using the Word2Vec, GloVe, or FastText algorithm with multi-threading.


  method = c("word2vec", "glove", "fasttext"),
  dims = 300,
  window = 5,
  min.freq = 5,
  threads = 8,
  model = c("skip-gram", "cbow"),
  loss = c("ns", "hs"),
  negative = 5,
  subsample = 1e-04,
  learning = 0.05,
  ngrams = c(3, 6),
  x.max = 10,
  convergence = -1,
  stopwords = character(0),
  encoding = "UTF-8",
  tolower = FALSE,
  normalize = FALSE,
  compress = "bzip2",
  verbose = TRUE



A character vector of text, or a file path on disk containing text.


Training algorithm:


Number of dimensions of word vectors to be trained. Common choices include 50, 100, 200, 300, and 500. Defaults to 300.


Window size (number of nearby words behind/ahead the current word). It defines how many surrounding words to be included in training: [window] words behind and [window] words ahead ([window]*2 in total). Defaults to 5.


Minimum frequency of words to be included in training. Words that appear less than this value of times will be excluded from vocabulary. Defaults to 5 (take words that appear at least five times).


Number of CPU threads used for training. A modest value produces the fastest training. Too many threads are not always helpful. Defaults to 8.


<Only for Word2Vec / FastText>

Learning model architecture:

  • "skip-gram" (default): Skip-Gram, which predicts surrounding words given the current word

  • "cbow": Continuous Bag-of-Words, which predicts the current word based on the context


<Only for Word2Vec / FastText>

Loss function (computationally efficient approximation):

  • "ns" (default): Negative Sampling

  • "hs": Hierarchical Softmax


<Only for Negative Sampling in Word2Vec / FastText>

Number of negative examples. Values in the range 5~20 are useful for small training datasets, while for large datasets the value can be as small as 2~5. Defaults to 5.


<Only for Word2Vec / FastText>

Subsampling of frequent words (threshold for occurrence of words). Those that appear with higher frequency in the training data will be randomly down-sampled. Defaults to 0.0001 (1e-04).


<Only for Word2Vec / FastText>

Initial (starting) learning rate, also known as alpha. Defaults to 0.05.


<Only for FastText>

Minimal and maximal ngram length. Defaults to c(3, 6).


<Only for GloVe>

Maximum number of co-occurrences to use in the weighting function. Defaults to 10.


<Only for GloVe>

Convergence tolerance for SGD iterations. Defaults to -1.


<Only for Word2Vec / GloVe>

A character vector of stopwords to be excluded from training.


Text encoding. Defaults to "UTF-8".


Convert all upper-case characters to lower-case? Defaults to FALSE.


Normalize all word vectors to unit length? Defaults to FALSE. See normalize.


Number of training iterations. More iterations makes a more precise model, but computational cost is linearly proportional to iterations. Defaults to 5 for Word2Vec and FastText while 10 for GloVe.


Function used to tokenize the text. Defaults to text2vec::word_tokenizer.


Strings (in regular expression) to be removed from the text. Defaults to "_|'|<br/>|<br />|e\\.g\\.|i\\.e\\.". You may turn off this by specifying remove=NULL.

File name of to-be-saved R data (must be .RData).


Compression method for the saved file. Defaults to "bzip2".

Options include:

  • 1 or "gzip": modest file size (fastest)

  • 2 or "bzip2": small file size (fast)

  • 3 or "xz": minimized file size (slow)


Print information to the console? Defaults to TRUE.


A wordvec (data.table) with three variables: word, vec, freq.


Download pre-trained word vectors data (.RData):

See also


review = text2vec::movie_review  # a data.frame'
text = review$review

## Note: All the examples train 50 dims for faster code check.

## Word2Vec (SGNS)
dt1 = train_wordvec(
  dims=50, window=5,
#>  Tokenized: 70105 sentences (time cost = 3 secs)
#>  Text corpus: 5242249 characters, 1185427 tokens (roughly words)
#> ── Training model information ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> - Method:      Word2Vec (Skip-Gram with Negative Sampling)
#> - Dimensions:  50
#> - Window size: 5 (5 words behind and 5 words ahead the current word)
#> - Subsampling: 1e-04
#> - Min. freq.:  5 occurrences in text
#> - Iterations:  5 training iterations
#> - CPU threads: 8
#> ── Training... 
#>  Word vectors trained: 14205 unique tokens (time cost = 11 secs)

#> # wordvec (data.table): [14205 × 3] (normalized)
#>                 word                     vec  freq
#>     1:           the [ 0.1822, ...<50 dims>] 58797
#>     2:           and [ 0.1831, ...<50 dims>] 32193
#>     3:             a [-0.0734, ...<50 dims>] 31783
#>     4:            of [ 0.0264, ...<50 dims>] 29142
#>     5:            to [-0.0123, ...<50 dims>] 27218
#> ------                                            
#> 14201:        parrot [ 0.2487, ...<50 dims>]     5
#> 14202:          Lori [ 0.1793, ...<50 dims>]     5
#> 14203:      shambles [ 0.1917, ...<50 dims>]     5
#> 14204: comprehension [ 0.1882, ...<50 dims>]     5
#> 14205:        drunks [ 0.2310, ...<50 dims>]     5
most_similar(dt1, "Ive")  # evaluate performance
#> [Word Vector] =~ Ive
#> (normalized to unit length)
#>         word   cos_sim row_id
#>  1:      ive 0.8520610    110
#>  2:     seen 0.7974154   1542
#>  3:   lately 0.7785641   2573
#>  4:    Youve 0.7734673   2644
#>  5:   Guinea 0.7710928   3125
#>  6:     weve 0.7620411   3487
#>  7:   recall 0.7611667   5137
#>  8:  scarier 0.7581943   5989
#>  9: funniest 0.7571287   9121
#> 10:    quote 0.7567139   9820
most_similar(dt1, ~ man - he + she, topn=5)  # evaluate performance
#> [Word Vector] =~ man - he + she
#> (normalized to unit length)
#>     word   cos_sim row_id
#> 1: woman 0.8116181    260
#> 2:  girl 0.7620174    299
#> 3: widow 0.7290366    478
#> 4:   boy 0.7268918    523
#> 5: child 0.7171464   5485
most_similar(dt1, ~ boy - he + she, topn=5)  # evaluate performance
#> [Word Vector] =~ boy - he + she
#> (normalized to unit length)
#>     word   cos_sim row_id
#> 1:  girl 0.8339958    150
#> 2: woman 0.7191492    260
#> 3:   kid 0.6743736    299
#> 4:  aged 0.6560675    674
#> 5:   old 0.6471804   1839

## GloVe
dt2 = train_wordvec(
  dims=50, window=5,
#>  Tokenized: 70105 sentences (time cost = 2 secs)
#>  Text corpus: 5242249 characters, 1185427 tokens (roughly words)
#> ── Training model information ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> - Method:      GloVe
#> - Dimensions:  50
#> - Window size: 5 (5 words behind and 5 words ahead the current word)
#> - Subsampling: N/A
#> - Min. freq.:  5 occurrences in text
#> - Iterations:  10 training iterations
#> - CPU threads: 8
#> ── Training... 
#>  Word vectors trained: 14207 unique tokens (time cost = 13 secs)

#> # wordvec (data.table): [14207 × 3] (normalized)
#>            word                     vec  freq
#>     1:      the [ 0.0626, ...<50 dims>] 58797
#>     2:      and [ 0.0975, ...<50 dims>] 32193
#>     3:        a [ 0.0044, ...<50 dims>] 31783
#>     4:       of [ 0.0567, ...<50 dims>] 29142
#>     5:       to [ 0.0567, ...<50 dims>] 27218
#> ------                                       
#> 14203:      yea [ 0.1668, ...<50 dims>]     5
#> 14204:   yearly [-0.0390, ...<50 dims>]     5
#> 14205: yearning [-0.0154, ...<50 dims>]     5
#> 14206:   yelled [ 0.2584, ...<50 dims>]     5
#> 14207:      yer [-0.0821, ...<50 dims>]     5
most_similar(dt2, "Ive")  # evaluate performance
#> [Word Vector] =~ Ive
#> (normalized to unit length)
#>        word   cos_sim row_id
#>  1:    seen 0.9426213     74
#>  2:    ever 0.8902116    110
#>  3:   heard 0.7670113    124
#>  4:   worst 0.7562863    261
#>  5:   since 0.7308189    262
#>  6:   youve 0.7038168    305
#>  7: watched 0.6943821    468
#>  8:    been 0.6859998    515
#>  9: already 0.6812158    767
#> 10:  havent 0.6796917    950
most_similar(dt2, ~ man - he + she, topn=5)  # evaluate performance
#> [Word Vector] =~ man - he + she
#> (normalized to unit length)
#>     word   cos_sim row_id
#> 1: woman 0.8636718     34
#> 2: young 0.7500165    198
#> 3:   hit 0.7368818    260
#> 4:   who 0.7318680    299
#> 5:  girl 0.7256584    594
most_similar(dt2, ~ boy - he + she, topn=5)  # evaluate performance
#> [Word Vector] =~ boy - he + she
#> (normalized to unit length)
#>     word   cos_sim row_id
#> 1:  girl 0.8009999    198
#> 2: young 0.7494713    260
#> 3: named 0.7147159    299
#> 4: woman 0.7000530    675
#> 5:   kid 0.6682569    867

## FastText
dt3 = train_wordvec(
  dims=50, window=5,
#>  Tokenized: 70105 sentences (time cost = 2 secs)
#>  Text corpus: 5242249 characters, 1185427 tokens (roughly words)
#> ── Training model information ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> - Method:      FastText (Skip-Gram with Negative Sampling)
#> - Dimensions:  50
#> - Window size: 5 (5 words behind and 5 words ahead the current word)
#> - Subsampling: 1e-04
#> - Min. freq.:  5 occurrences in text
#> - Iterations:  5 training iterations
#> - CPU threads: 8
#> ── Training... 
#>  Word vectors trained: 14207 unique tokens (time cost = 22 secs)

#> # wordvec (data.table): [14207 × 3] (normalized)
#>                word                     vec  freq
#>     1:          the [-0.0067, ...<50 dims>] 58797
#>     2:          and [ 0.0646, ...<50 dims>] 32193
#>     3:            a [ 0.0955, ...<50 dims>] 31783
#>     4:           of [ 0.0448, ...<50 dims>] 29142
#>     5:           to [-0.1173, ...<50 dims>] 27218
#> ------                                           
#> 14203:        spray [ 0.1319, ...<50 dims>]     5
#> 14204: disabilities [ 0.0282, ...<50 dims>]     5
#> 14205:        crook [ 0.0777, ...<50 dims>]     5
#> 14206:     Syndrome [ 0.0494, ...<50 dims>]     5
#> 14207:      snipers [ 0.0040, ...<50 dims>]     5
most_similar(dt3, "Ive")  # evaluate performance
#> [Word Vector] =~ Ive
#> (normalized to unit length)
#>           word   cos_sim row_id
#>  1:      Youve 0.8312521    110
#>  2:       Weve 0.8151651    765
#>  3:       seen 0.8071763    945
#>  4:      youve 0.7793227   3105
#>  5:      WORST 0.7651692   3250
#>  6:         ve 0.7601260   5898
#>  7:    funnier 0.7528114   6913
#>  8: beforehand 0.7424984   7108
#>  9:    Columbo 0.7380933   9171
#> 10:     havent 0.7351666  12894
most_similar(dt3, ~ man - he + she, topn=5)  # evaluate performance
#> [Word Vector] =~ man - he + she
#> (normalized to unit length)
#>        word   cos_sim row_id
#> 1:    woman 0.8809123    261
#> 2:     girl 0.7759282    299
#> 3: salesman 0.7683804   5594
#> 4:   madman 0.7671942   6553
#> 5: henchman 0.7638086  12263
most_similar(dt3, ~ boy - he + she, topn=5)  # evaluate performance
#> [Word Vector] =~ boy - he + she
#> (normalized to unit length)
#>        word   cos_sim row_id
#> 1:     girl 0.7678865    261
#> 2:    woman 0.7330712    299
#> 3:      kid 0.6992820    676
#> 4:     boys 0.6859984   1045
#> 5: teenager 0.6849031   2364