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Run the fill-mask pipeline on multiple models with CPU or GPU (faster but requiring an NVIDIA GPU device).


  add.tokens = FALSE,
  add.method = c("sum", "mean"),
  file = NULL,
  progress = TRUE,
  warning = TRUE,
  na.out = TRUE




  • A character vector of model names at HuggingFace.

    • Can be used for both CPU and GPU.

  • A returned object from FMAT_load.

    • Can ONLY be used for CPU.

    • If you restart the R session, you will need to rerun FMAT_load.


A data.table returned from FMAT_query or FMAT_query_bind.


Use GPU (3x faster than CPU) to run the fill-mask pipeline? Defaults to missing value that will automatically use available GPU (if not available, then use CPU). An NVIDIA GPU device (e.g., GeForce RTX Series) is required to use GPU. See Guidance for GPU Acceleration.

Options passing to the device parameter in Python:

  • FALSE: CPU (device = -1).

  • TRUE: GPU (device = 0).

  • Any other value: passing to transformers.pipeline(device=...) which defines the device (e.g., "cpu", "cuda:0", or a GPU device id like 1) on which the pipeline will be allocated.


Add new tokens (for out-of-vocabulary words or even phrases) to model vocabulary? Defaults to FALSE. It only temporarily adds tokens for tasks but does not change the raw model file.


Method used to produce the token embeddings of new added tokens. Can be "sum" (default) or "mean" of subword token embeddings.


File name of .RData to save the returned data.


Show a progress bar? Defaults to TRUE.


Alert warning of out-of-vocabulary word(s)? Defaults to TRUE.


Replace probabilities of out-of-vocabulary word(s) with NA? Defaults to TRUE.


A data.table (of new class fmat) appending data with these new variables:

  • model: model name.

  • output: complete sentence output with unmasked token.

  • token: actual token to be filled in the blank mask (a note "out-of-vocabulary" will be added if the original word is not found in the model vocabulary).

  • prob: (raw) conditional probability of the unmasked token given the provided context, estimated by the masked language model.

    • It is NOT SUGGESTED to directly interpret the raw probabilities because the contrast between a pair of probabilities is more interpretable. See summary.fmat.


The function automatically adjusts for the compatibility of tokens used in certain models: (1) for uncased models (e.g., ALBERT), it turns tokens to lowercase; (2) for models that use <mask> rather than [MASK], it automatically uses the corrected mask token; (3) for models that require a prefix to estimate whole words than subwords (e.g., ALBERT, RoBERTa), it adds a certain prefix (usually a white space; \u2581 for ALBERT and XLM-RoBERTa, \u0120 for RoBERTa and DistilRoBERTa).

Note that these changes only affect the token variable in the returned data, but will not affect the M_word variable. Thus, users may analyze data based on the unchanged M_word rather than the token.

Note also that there may be extremely trivial differences (after 5~6 significant digits) in the raw probability estimates between using CPU and GPU, but these differences would have little impact on main results.


## Running the examples requires the models downloaded

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
models = c("bert-base-uncased", "bert-base-cased")

query1 = FMAT_query(
  c("[MASK] is {TARGET}.", "[MASK] works as {TARGET}."),
  MASK = .(Male="He", Female="She"),
  TARGET = .(Occupation=c("a doctor", "a nurse", "an artist"))
data1 = FMAT_run(models, query1)
summary(data1, target.pair=FALSE)

query2 = FMAT_query(
  "The [MASK] {ATTRIB}.",
  MASK = .(Male=c("man", "boy"),
           Female=c("woman", "girl")),
  ATTRIB = .(Masc=c("is masculine", "has a masculine personality"),
             Femi=c("is feminine", "has a feminine personality"))
data2 = FMAT_run(models, query2)
summary(data2, mask.pair=FALSE)
} # }